Like a master potter shaping clay with purpose and vision, each decision, each challenge, and each victory molds the legacy we leave behind. The authentic life calls us to embrace both the crossroads and the crosses, knowing that each step shapes our eternal impact.
Join our Authfo training.
"One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts." Psalms 145:4
Picture a world where your family's legacy isn't just measured in dollars and cents, but in the lasting impact you create through generations.
Spiritual Legacy
Building foundations of faith that stand through generations
Creating wealth streams that bless future generations
Extending influence beyond family to communityre's some stuff
WHAT WE DO HERE AT Glory Enterprises
In the world today many people live fragmented lives they juggle and often struggle living between three areas their personal life, ministry (service), and/or industry. Our mission is to empower people to integrate these areas.
Our passion is to equip you to have massive IMPACT for God's Kingdom & experience INCOME expansion.
Here's how we can empower you...
Transforming Lives Through the Power of God's Word!
Solid Rock Ministries has been transforming lives through God's Word since 1993. Founded by Sharon and Steven Webster, we bridge timeless biblical wisdom with today's spiritual needs through digital outreach and personal ministry journeys.
We're passionate about rediscovering and living the authentic rhythms of biblical faith, embracing the practices that Jesus and His early followers demonstrated. Through our resources and teachings, we equip you to experience the power of Scripture in daily life, deepening your spiritual walk and bearing lasting fruit for God's kingdom.
Join us as we journey together, uncovering ancient truths that transform modern lives.
God's Goodness is for All!
Be Authentically You!
It all began in 2022 when I received three profound messages from the Spirit of the Lord: Life, Ministry, Industry. One of these messages was to "Be Authentically You" and to "Enter into the good-land, Rest, Inquire and Pursue!" These words sparked a deep curiosity within me, and I embarked on a journey to understand their significance for my life.
Soon after, I sensed a prompting to share my thoughts on social media, and it was a remarkable realization that this aligned with a dream I had years ago. Under the banner of "Be Authentically You," I have since published over 140 videos and podcasts on our channel, exploring various topics.
The fulfillment of this dream has been a remarkable experience, as it has allowed me to express my true self and engage with a wide audience.
After moving from California to Indiana...
Moving from California to Indiana...
I, Sharon entered into a dark night of the soul. searching for the MORE of God for our lives...
For me moving was a major shift, leaving behind family and friends, along with an apostolic-prophetic ministry that I had built for over 30 yrs. Little did I know then but my identity was tied to that ministry.
Here's what one client discovered...
Sharon Webster has been a major influence in my growth as an intercessor, leader and a part of the Ekklesia. ICON Ministries International has taken several of her classes through on-line platforms.
Sharon has taught several times in person, on her Circuit Rider Tours. Her wisdom, knowledge & prophetic gifting have left our group refreshed, with new breakthrough, full of revelation in
understanding of the word and Holy Spirit.
I highly recommend any of her programs.
You will not be disappointed!
- Colleen Alvarez, ICON