Glory Enterprises ~ Steven & Sharon Webster

Hi y’all,

Our journey began with a deep and subtle shift, one we didn't recognize at first. For so long, our identities had been wrapped up in what we did—whether it was in ministry, career, or personal accomplishments. We unknowingly measured our worth by our productivity and results, allowing the busyness of life to define us. But God had something deeper in store for us, a realignment of our hearts and minds that would recalibrate every aspect of our lives.

It started as a stirring within us, a sense that something was missing despite all our efforts. We realized that we had been building our own kingdoms—whether in ministry or industry—rather than fully embracing the fullness of God's kingdom. It was a humbling revelation. Through time in prayer and seeking His presence, we began to understand that our identity could never be tied to what we did but must be grounded in who we are in Christ. God was calling us not just to do His work but to integrate our lives, our ministry, and even our work in the marketplace in a way that reflected His heart.

This recalibration shifted everything. As we realigned our focus on His kingdom, our actions followed. Every decision, every plan, every step forward was now done with the intentionality of serving Elohim wholeheartedly. It wasn’t about success in the world's terms anymore; it was about obedience, fruitfulness, and faithfulness. We began to thrive—not just in one area, but in every aspect of life. Our ministry bore much fruit, our relationships deepened, and even in our professional spheres, we found ourselves prospering in ways that we never could have imagined.

The beauty of this transformation wasn’t just for us. It birthed a passion within us to help others experience the same realignment. We became driven by a new purpose—helping people discover their God-given destiny and encouraging them to step into their roles within the various spheres of society. Whether in business, education, arts, or family, we saw that everyone has a place in God's kingdom.

Along the way, we also learned the importance of gaining wealth according to biblical principles. We saw that prosperity, in God's terms, was so much more than financial success. It was about living with a mindset of stewardship, trusting God for provision, and using resources to advance His kingdom. Helping others understand this truth became a central part of our mission.

Today, we stand in awe of how God has recalibrated our lives. We are thriving, bearing fruit, and seeing others step into their destinies. Our lives, once fragmented by separate pursuits, have been integrated into one continuous act of worship and service to God. This is the life we were always meant to live—aligned with His heart, thriving in His purpose, and walking in the abundance He promises. And we now dedicate our lives to helping others experience the same.

We are now living our best life!

Steven & Sharon

We are living our best life, and you can too!

Our passion is to help others recalibrate so they too can experience wholeness in life, ministry (service) and industry and live their best life!

WHAT WE DO HERE AT Glory Enterprises

One of the ways that sets us apart is the prophetic grace upon our services.

Here, we believe the Lord still speaks today and that He has amazing things in store for you.

We take time to seek His face on your behalf and then relay what we hear.

Satisfied Clients are Talking...

“I want to thank Sharon for helping me ReCalibrate my life, the way she breaks down the scripture and how she follows after the Spirit of the Lord so she is able to help us to recalibrate and walk in the Spirit. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

- Becky V

“Since I have entered Sharon’s training, an alignment has settled over my life. Sometimes I don't have to do anything and the anointing and the "yes" itself somehow grants the grace for my life to come into alignment with God's will and my destiny.”- Courtney W.

During this time of recalibration, there has been an increase of Holy Spirit movement in and through us. Sharon, thank-you for your prayers over us! I am experiencing and witnessing an enlargement of revelation and Holy Spirit activity around us and in our region. We are praising God! Things seem to be speeding up!"

- Joan C.